December 2024

How to eat

How I eat and manage my diet. Methods and tips I developed and live by over time.

March 2022

Example script to run PHP CodeSniffer for only changed files

An example script that runs PHP CodeSniffer for only the changed files in a branch. Includes a sample gitlab-ci job to run the script.

January 2022

Traits vs Interfaces vs Abstract Classes in PHP

Difference between Traits, Interfaces, and Abstract Classes, including the latest features from PHP 8.

January 2022 (Updated November 2024)

Use multiple php versions on macOS / Linux

Reference how to use multiple php versions (php 7, php7.4 and php 8, php 8.0, php 8.1, php 8.2) on mac / macOS and Linux.

July 2020

Collection of drupal errors

A collection of drupal errors I've run into.

July 2020

Example local Vagrantfile for Drupal-VM

An example Vagrantfile.local file for Drupal-VM

July 2020

Example local ansible playbook for Drupal-VM

An example of adding your own ansible roles/tasks for Drupal-VM

July 2020

Upgrading my symfony application from 4.4 to 5.1

Just a short overview of what I did to update my symfony applications to 5.1